HomeBora BoraWhere is bora bora in the world map

Where is bora bora in the world map

How many days should I spend in Bora Bora?

We recommend you to stay 3-4 days in Bora Bora. This gives you plenty of time to explore this pretty island and all the different shades of emerald the sea has the offer here. Do you have more time, then you will love spending that here too, just keep in mind Bora Bora is the most expensive island of French Polynesia.

How old do u have to be to drink in Bora Bora?

18. Same as France (it's a French territory).

How hot is Bora Bora in December?

Around 86°F

What country is Bora Bora near?

Bora-Bora, volcanic island, Îles Sous le Vent (Leeward Islands), in the Society Islands of French Polynesia. It lies in the central South Pacific Ocean, about 165 miles (265 km) northwest of Tahiti.

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