HomeHawaiiWhat airport has the cheapest flights to Hawaii?

What airport has the cheapest flights to Hawaii?

Oahu (Honolulu) and Maui (Kahului) tend to be the two cheapest Hawaiian airports to fly into from the continental United States, but this may not be the case for your particular route. Always compare airports and consider tailoring your vacation itinerary if a different arrival airport offers better savings.

What airport has the cheapest flights to Hawaii?

Oahu (Honolulu) and Maui (Kahului) tend to be the two cheapest Hawaiian airports to fly into from the continental United States, but this may not be the case for your particular route. Always compare airports and consider tailoring your vacation itinerary if a different arrival airport offers better savings.

What airport is cheapest to fly to Hawaii?

Inouye International Airport (HNL), Hawaii's capital, or at Kahului Airport (OGG), on Maui. This is because it's the cheapest to fly to and from the busiest airports in a region, and both HNL and OGG are accessible to the most popular vacation destinations in Hawaii.

What city is cheapest to fly to Hawaii from?

The 10 Cheapest Flights to Hawaii

What is the cheapest month to fly to Hawaii?

The cheapest time to fly to Hawaii is during February and March. The most expensive month to fly is December when the holiday period falls, with January being very expensive as well. The peak travel months of June and July are surprisingly not the most expensive months for flights, with middle figure prices.

Is it cheaper to fly into Oahu or Maui?

Using data from The Hawaii Tourism Authority and Kayak.com, the cheapest island to visit is Oahu. Airfare, hotel, and rental car for two people for a week costs $2,625 on Oahu. The most expensive Hawaiian island to visit is Maui, where the same average costs for a week are $3,600.

What days are cheapest to fly to Hawaii?

The Cheapest Time to Fly to Hawaii

What month should you not go to Hawaii?

December is the worst month to visit Hawaii. Hawaii experiences a spike in visitors from mid-December to New Year, resulting in high accommodation, plane tickets, and rental car costs. December is also the wettest month of the year as temperatures cool across the Hawaiian islands.

How many days are enough in Hawaii?

While many vacations are five to seven days long, we recommend staying for at least 10 days to enjoy your Hawaiian vacation. The time change is difficult to adjust to at first and takes about 3 days to get fully acclimated. So, allowing a couple days to get over the jet lag is important.

Where should I go in Hawaii for the first time?


What should I avoid in Hawaii?

  • Don't stand next to the blowhole.
  • Don't eat at a chain restaurant.
  • Don't let a commercial luau be your only exposure to Hawaiian culture.
  • Don't limit your visit to Oʻahu.
  • And don't avoid the Island of Hawaiʻi.
  • Don't only stay in resort towns.
  • Don't hike illegally or start a hike late in the day.

What is the biggest problem in Hawaii?

According to the survey, conducted by Ward Research, the top issues for residents on Hawaii Island are homelessness, drugs and traffic. Maui residents' top issues were affordable housing, traffic and public education. On Kauai, traffic was first, followed by environmental concerns and crime/public safety.

What should you not touch in Hawaii?

  • Don't touch or get too close to wildlife- turtles, dolphins, monk seals, and nenes.
  • Don't touch or walk on coral.
  • Don't take lava rocks home.
  • Don't forget to throw shaka when someone lets you into your lane.
  • Don't avoid Hawaiian/local food.
  • Don't underestimate the sun.
  • Don't use sunscreen that's not reef-safe.

How do you offend a Hawaiian?

14 Foolproof Ways To Make Someone From Hawaii Cringe

What happens if you whistle at night in Hawaii?

It has been said that if you whistle at night, you are summoning the Hukai'po, aka the Night Marchers, and if you hear their drums—HIDE! Night marchers are most active at night and said to march on certain nights, depending on the rise of the moon. It is considered an evil omen to look directly at the night marchers.

Why you shouldn't be a tourist in Hawaii?

There's not enough natural resources and housing to go around. As tourists continue to enter Hawai'i, residents are also getting fed up with the water shortages. Overtourism is keeping Maui residents from watering their lawns, washing cars, irrigation and other nonessential activities.

What do Hawaiians call tourists?


What does living Pono mean?

Being “pono” means living in perfect alignment with all things in life where your every thought and action is in perfect harmony, including yourself as a spiritual being. Living pono means having a proper and respectful relationship with your parents, spouse, children, neighbors, and all others.

What is the Hawaiian word for white person?

Haole (/ˈhaʊliː/; Hawaiian [ˈhɔule]) is a Hawaiian word for individuals who are not Native Hawaiian or Polynesian. In Hawaii, it may mean any foreigner or anything else introduced to the Hawaiian islands of foreign origin, though it is most commonly applied to people of European ancestry.

Why Do Hawaiians say brah?

One of the most common Hawaiian pidgin terms is that of brah, meaning “brother”. And, as you might've guessed, a brah doesn't have to be your brother by blood.

What does Pau Hana mean?

Being finished with work

What do Hawaiians call cigarettes?

Translation of "lei-lana-lukus" in English For example, in Hawaii, cigarettes are called "lei-lana-lukus."

What does Tita mean in Hawaiian?

Tita is reserved for a tough local chick who is not scared to get in a fight and doesn't take anything from anyone. She's usually a tomboy, speaks pidgin, and is super defensive about her hometown and family. Moke is the male version of a tita.

What does Lolo mean in Hawaii?

Dumb, goofy or crazy

What do Hawaiians call their friends?


What does Moke mean in Hawaii?

Moke is a term used by residents of the Hawaiian Islands to describe segments of the local Polynesian population. In practice, the word "moke" is similar to "redneck", as it is only used to describe a certain personality type, instead of an entire ethnic group.

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